Lobbyist Harvey Goldstein – Who is He?
Mr Harvey Goldstein is a successful American businessman in Asia, a prominent public figure and a spokesman for the foreign business community with the respective governments of Asia, particularly Indonesia. He is a catalyst and a participant in private sector growth and development in the Asia – pacific region. He has had three decades of residence in Southeast Asia.
In 1987, Mr. Goldstein created Harvest International Inc., an entity through which venture capital and consulting assistance can be provided to foreign and local entrepreneurs. Harvest International Inc. was conceived as a response to a felt need for merchant banking facilities and locally sensitive expertise in the formation and operation of viable business ventures in Southeast Asia. As its founder and Chairman Mr. Goldstein facilitates the flow of investment capital into the region to stimulate and expand opportunities for the private sector to grow, create jobs and generate new economic dynamics in these developing countries.
In March 1987, Mr. Goldstein was one of the principle founders of the Manchester Group, Ltd. (The Group) which provides a board spectrum of services to assist companies in developing new international business, and in resolving problems with their existing business operations.
Through its four member companies, The Group can assist clients to:
o Identify partners and develop opportunities for new investments;
o Finance projects;
o Negotiate joint venture or other contracts
o Complete feasibility analysis;
o Increase access to international markets;
o Meet countertrade obligations; and
o Deal effectively with government with all aspects of international operations.
With offices in eight international cities, the group companies offer board geographic coverage in some of the world’s most important markets. Each member of The Group – Interact, Manchester Associates, Ltd. , Altman Inc. and Harvest International – has an independent reputation for excellence in services to its clients. The interested operations of The Group allow clients to receive the benefit of the board experience of all of The Group’ s member companies.
The Group headquartered in Washington D.C. , function as a merchant bank. Helping companies to identify, develop and implement investment and financing opportunities and strategic financial alliances. The Group has strong working relationships with the international development banks, The World Bank, Asian Development Bank Inter America Development Bank and African Development Bank and assist in securing project export credit agencies of Canada, France, and West Germany., Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States as well as from U.S and foreign commercial and investment banks and insurance companies.