Is Network Marketing Recession Proof?

If we want to be realistic, we know that people from all over the world are being affected by this tough economy. Jobs and businesses that were once secure are now disappearing all over the place, and too many folks are losing their retirement funds and savings.

Which is making a lot of people start thinking about and looking for a way to make more money to add to their diminished income, or to replace the paycheck they no longer get. But how does someone figure out what is recession proof?

With all the media about the bad economy, it makes you wonder if there is an industry that isn’t being affected by the recession. Network marketing is not only unaffected, but has its greatest growth during rough economic times.

We’ve seen in history that network marketing is one of the best recession proof businesses you can be in when times are tough. Home based businesses and the internet marketing industry are growing during this recession, and are predicted to produce many new millionaires over the next several years because of the opportunities available.

Fortune magazine has called network marketing “the best kept secret in the business world”. This industry has experienced nearly a 100% growth in the last ten years, and business experts and economists have already predicted that the next 10 years will be a continuous growth boom for the direct sales/network marketing and internet marketing industries. Even Warren Buffet has purchased network marketing companies, and Donald Trump has started his online Trump University.

Two of the wealthiest men in the U.S. are investing in or creating internet/home businesses, and that’s because they see that the network marketing and internet marketing areas of the economy are booming and will continue to boom. Robert Kiyosaki (of Rich Dad/Poor Dad) and Donald Trump have both recommended MLM (multi level marketing) as a way for an average person to build wealth.

The best part about MLM is that you’re paid not just for your own work, but for the work others do as well. By building a downline, you’re also building a passive, residual income that goes on indefinitely. Sponsor just one or two successful business builders, and you can all secure your long term financial security. And there are thousands and thousands of people out there right now who are looking for an opportunity, so that they can create the income they need and want.

There couldn’t be a better time to get started in a network marketing opportunity and put your financial future in your own hands. This recession will eventually end, but in the meantime, it’s an incredible time to start building your empire. And when the economy does get better, what you’ve started now can only get even better!

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